My niece graduated from high school last night. Aside from the fact that the ceremony occurred 45 minutes and 17 years away from my own graduation ceremony, it all felt very familiar. The same song, the same caps and gowns, the same scholarships, and even some of the same speakers.
After the ceremony, I asked Kevin if he considered his high school experience an overall positive experience (I already knew the answer). He said, "Oh yeah." My answer, if I'd asked myself that same question, would've been the same. The sad thing is, most high school students I talk to these days wouldn't agree.
I keep hearing the Trace Adkins song "You're Gonna Miss This" running through my head.
If' you are reading this, and you are under the age of 18, there are a few things I'd like to convey to you:
First... High school is not the enemy. Get involved. Participate in extra curricular activities. My freshman year I competed in UIL Science. I was horrible. Pathetic, even. But by going to the meets, I made friends. Same thing with band, volleyball, FCA, and journalism. And then, a funny thing will happen. Those same friends will transfer to your classes, your weekends, your life.
Second...High school was, is and always will be made up of cliques. But here's the shocking news: So is real life. The trick is to find the one that fits you. It may not be the "popular" group. So what? The other trick is to play nice. Just because you fit in with one group doesn't mean there aren't amazing people in another. Get to know them. Appreciate them. Respect them. Even if they don't respect you back. Life is just easier that way.
Third...Rise above the drama. Most of the drama will be self-inflicted. Get over yourself. You'd be amazed at how little other people notice what you're doing. You will make yourself more miserable than anybody else can.
Fourth...Laugh, laugh, laugh. The day I learned that I absolutely couldn't take myself too seriously was during volleyball practice in 8th grade. If you missed a serve, you had to run a lap. I always missed my serves, so I was always running, and in the midst of one lap, I fell flat on my face. I had nothing to blame but my own big feet. Coach Fowler laughed until he cried, and then continued to remind me about it for the next four years. I learned to laugh with him, because what else could I do? In high school, I got hit in the back of the head with a football (a big shout out to Brad Waters for that one) while marching into the stadium one Friday night. I misspelled my own name on my graduation invitations. I could go on, but I'm not the one who needs to learn to laugh at myself. And FYI, if your friends aren't the type of people who like to laugh, get new friends.
Finally...Don't wish this time of your life away. You can't get this time back. And while you may not miss everything about high school, there will be things that you will. There will be friends that you will never see again. I don't mean acquaintances--I mean real friends. One girl that I considered to be a good friend I've seen four times in the past 17 years. Others I haven't seen at all. And even if you promise to keep in touch, it just isn't the same. Life gets in the way. You grow up. Jobs, marriage, all gets in the way. Savor this moment. It will never be the same again.
Now, get off the stupid computer and make some memories, you crazy kids!
Slow Start
1 week ago