29 January 2011

Day 8: A Picture that Makes Me Laugh...

I have to laugh at this picture now, but at the time, not so much.  It was our first effort to have both kids in the same picture at the same time since Sadie was a few weeks old (that was a total disaster).  We just knew this time would be better...but no.  This picture sums up the entire session.  Sadie seems to be saying, "He's a boy.  What'reya gonna do?"  I was furious at the time (Jackson had just turned two and was every bit of terrible that day), but now I love this picture.  It sums up their whole relationship at the time: Jackson loved Sadie, but from a distance, and Sadie was all, "Who's that kid?"

This picture was from a session with the talented young people at the VHS Journalism Department.  This shoot actually went extremely well.  We have tons of wonderful pictures of happy children, together and separate.  This picture was taken right before we were done, and we wanted to get "just one more" picture of the kids together.  Sadie's wearing a tutu her Aunt Kim made for her, and we didn't have a picture of the two of them while she had it on.  For some reason that escapes me now, Sadie began to throw a fit just before this picture was taken--hence the pacifier and the exasperated big brother.  I love it!

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