If you read my blog regularly (and I can't tell you how happy I am to have TWELVE followers! Yippee!! No, really--I am so happy to have you!), you know I love my husband and children with all my heart. I'm also a pretty big fan of the rest of my family. So you'll have to forgive me for using this post to show you someTHING I love. I found while deciding what to write that I actually love lots of things: pedicures, massages, good books, bed and breakfasts, the view from my back porch, mountains, chips and hot sauce...the list goes on and on. But yesterday when I put Annabelle down for a nap, I realized that there is a product in our house right now that I am currently deeply in love with: the Angelcare Baby Movement and Sound Monitor.
Right after Annabelle was born, I told you how much I loved her bassinet. It was perfect for her right up until a couple of weeks ago. She's just too big now. :( So we decided it was time to move her into her own room and her own bed. With Jackson and Sadie, I had serious anxiety issues about this. I would lie awake at night with the monitor right next to my ear, just waiting for a breath. I would fight the urge to check on them every 5 minutes. I basically didn't sleep very well for worrying (I know, I know, Kim. YOU'RE the worrier of the family...well apparently it's contagious.).
I've learned that God knows our hearts so well that sometime He will send us people to answer prayers we didn't even know we were praying. See, I was praying for Him to watch over and protect my babies as they slept. What I also should've been praying for was something to help ease my anxiety about it. That's where Angie Smith comes into play. If you've never visited her blog, you need to. Start from the very beginning. It's worth your time. Anyway, a few months ago, she wrote about how her new baby girl was sleeping in her own bed and how she suffered from severe anxiety and worry about SIDS (her nephew died from it). You can read that post here. A lot of her readers recommended the monitor to her, and I decided to research it a bit. It is one of the best reviewed products out there. I even went back today to make sure the reviews are still positive. Basically, there are two bad reviews: one says it's too hard to set up; the other says it works too well. Well, that's a reason to give a product one star!
This is an awesome product. First, the sound aspect is the best I've ever had. It's so quiet--no feedback. Plus, it's got a thermometer on there that is dead-on with our thermostat. And the alarm is super loud--it will go off it you pick up the baby and forget to turn off the monitor, which is a hassle, yes, but you learn to turn off the monitor when the baby isn't in the bed.
I can't tell you how well I've slept in the past week. Do I still worry about Annabelle? Yes, a little. But I don't find myself listening for the slightest sounds anymore. I have a peace of mind that I didn't have before.