08 February 2011

Day 15: Something I want to do before I die

I couldn't think of anything for this one, probably because I don't like to think about dying.

Karen totally hit the nail on the head though.  I would love to see Hawaii, or Italy, or New England.  But my life will be complete without those things, as long as I can see my kids grow up.

I want to see them fall in love and find their own happiness.

I want to hold my grandkids. 

I want to laugh with them and cry with them and let them hate me because I'm "unreasonable." 

I want to see their first days of school and their college graduations.

I want to help them move into their first homes.

I know this is totally selfish of me, and I know as a Christian I should have no fear of death.  In that regard I don't.  But I still pray that God allows me to live long enough to raise my children. 

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